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Art/Acrylic P. Abstract

by jonathank 2023. 8. 29. 00:06


amnesia 기억상실
Acrylic on canvas

기억상실증에 걸린 자들이 많다!!
자기가 한 말과 행동에
가장 반대되는 말과 행동으로
언제든 돌변한다.
언제 그랬냐는듯 아주 뻔뻔하게..
심각한 기억상실증에 걸리지 않고서는
도저히 할수없을것만 같은 말과 행동들을 버젓이 거행한다.
저들의 사악함에 항거하고
부지런히 기록해서 죄를 낱낱이 물어야한다!!

There are many people with amnesia!!
in his words and actions
With the most opposite words and actions
change at any time
As shameless as ever...
Unless you suffer from severe amnesia.
They openly perform words and actions that seem impossible.
It's just awful!!
have to stay awake
I have to remember.
resist their wickedness
You must diligently record and ask for every sin!!

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