상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Contrast and Harmony S04

Art/Acrylic P. Abstract

by jonathank 2023. 8. 31. 07:22


Contrast and Harmony S04
15.74”x15.74” inch
Mixed media on canvas
Medium ; acrylics. Modeling paste
(turquoise, rusty)

contrast and harmony

There must be a balance.
There has to be a contrast, if not a balance.
Balance is a different feeling depending on whether it comes from harmony or contrast.
The broken balance and irregularities are also the logic of the world, so I just accept them and live.
However, unless you live alone in a world where you live, you have to get along with each other, contrast each other, and rely on each other. We need to know how to be considerate of each other and sacrifice to live together. If you step on others and do wrong for your own rise, you must admit your fault and ask for forgiveness until the other person accepts it thoroughly. We must realize universal values and live as global citizens. It should show its individuality and be recognized as much as its outstanding individuality, but it is harmonious in diversity, and even if its individuality stands out so much that it catches the eye, it is a work of art when it is properly contrasted and harmonized. It deserves respect and recognition. Only then will it become a true leading nation.

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