상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Golden division no.1

Art/Acrylic P. Abstract

by jonathank 2023. 5. 5. 15:42


8.66x6.29 inch

acrylic on canvas


golden division no.1

We see that division that is not equal but remains harmonious.
Why is it called harmony, not inequality, when the things you have have more?
Harmony for whom? Peace for whom?


황금분할 1

평등하지 않지만 조화롭게 유지된 그 분할을 본다. 
왜 가진 것들이 더 가지고 있는데 불평등이 아니라 조화라 하는가?
누굴위한 조화로움인가? 누굴위한 평화인가?



색을 나이프로 발라줄께

미술엔 여러가지 기법이 있다. 
보통의 경우 붓으로 칠하지만
나이프로 바르기도 한다. 
너무나 다양하고도 고유한 기법들을 사용하면서 미술의 다양함을 만끽한다. 
붓으론 절대 따라할 수 없는 찍어내기와 발라내기로 나이프로 하는 그림을 그려본다. 


I'll apply the color with a knife

There are many techniques in art.
Normally, I paint with a brush
It is also applied with a knife.
Enjoy the diversity of art using so many different and unique techniques.
Draw a picture that can never be copied with a brush with a knife with printing and peeling.




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