상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

Result of follow-up (Rework)

Art/Acrylic P. Abstract

by jonathank 2024. 2. 23. 23:02


Result of follow-up / 답습의 결과 (Rework)
72*72cm S30
Mixed media on canvas
Mediums ; acrylics, modeling paste, Aluminum foil, paper foil, Korean paper

답습의 결과  : 예로부터 해 오던 방식이나 수법을 좇아 그대로 행하였더니 얻게 되는 결과.

눈앞에 있는 나름의 풍요를 보고 후대를 생각치않고 마구 낭비하고 허비하였더니, 결국 그 높고 깊고 많고 넓던 "지구"라는 우리의 터전이 망가져가고 있다. 지하수가 고갈되고 온난화가 더해져서 기상이변이 즐비하게 되었다. 가뭄에 마르고 황폐해지며 온갖 오염물질로 탁해지고 검어진 "지구"이다. 그럼에도 여전히 황금빛 문명의 화려함으로 불쾌하게 물들여놓고만 있는 오늘날의 모습을 표현했다.

Result of follow-up:
The result obtained by following a method or method that has been used since ancient times.

When we saw the abundance in front of us, we wasted and squandered it without thinking about future generations, and in the end, our high, deep, numerous and wide home called “Earth” is depleting. As groundwater has been depleted and warming has increased, abnormal weather events have become more common. It is an “earth” that has become dry and desolate due to drought, and has become cloudy and black with all kinds of pollutants. Nevertheless, it is still blatantly tinged with the splendor of capitalist civilization and expresses an unstable modern civilized society.

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