상세 컨텐츠

본문 제목

What on earth is in it?

Art/Acrylic P. Abstract

by jonathank 2023. 4. 6. 23:33


도대체 그 안에 뭐가 들어있는거니?
What on earth is in it?
33*24cm (400g)
Acrylic on drawing paper


도대체 그 안에 뭐가 들어있는거니?
그렇게나 앞에 많이 깔아놓아야 했니?
그렇게나 앞에 많이 장애물을 놓아야했니?
뭐가 그 속에 있길래 그렇게나 철옹성을 만들어놓았니?


What the hell is in it?
Did you have to put that much in front of you?
Did you have to put so many obstacles in front of you?
What's in it that you built such an iron fortress?

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